Pre-Pride Party … Free Books for Pride Month … Plan to Stop Abuse of LGBT+ Elders … At The Rainbow’s End … Salford Pink Picnic


Pre-Pride Party

Early on the morning of Saturday, 28 June 1969, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons rioted following a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar at 43 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City. This riot and further protests and rioting over the following nights were the watershed moment in the modern LGBT rights movement

In commemoration Out In The City held a pre-Pride Party. We also wanted to celebrate our oldest member, Jim, who was 95 years old on 12 June, but unfortunately, he was too ill to attend.

Many thanks to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (Cardinal Sister Anorak of the Cheap Day Return, Sister Gypsy TV Film Star and Sister Judy de Ryder), Jennifer, Wolf (David, Derek and Gary), Jim on reception, Jed and Peter in the kitchen and Norman for organising the buffet.

Thanks also to Jim, Norman and Peter who donated raffle prizes. The raffle raised £93.00 towards our funds.

… and thanks to all you who attended and had a great time.

Lots of photos can be seen here.

Free Books for Pride Month

Author Paul Ilett is thrilled to offer both his books, Exposé and Exposed (Kindle editions), for you to download and read for free for Pride month.

Both books deal with issues important to the LGBTQ+ community, and it was very important to him to write a gay man in an heroic lead role.

Just click on the links below and get your free copies today. 


Superstar actor Adam Jaymes launches a mischievous plot to destroy the world’s biggest selling tabloid newspaper – one reporter at a time.

Take a deep dive into the scandalous world of celebrities and the tabloid press with Paul Ilett’s darkly comical thriller Exposé. Actor Adam Jaymes has a lifetime of grudges against the world’s biggest selling tabloid, the Daily Ear, and its notorious team of ruthless journalists. This includes sharp-tongued columnist Valerie Pierce, ‘kiss and tell’ king Colin Merroney, and photographer Jason Spade, who will do anything to get the picture he wants.

But Adam is now married to one of the world’s wealthiest men, and finally has the resources to take his revenge. He launches a deliciously mischievous plot to turn the tables on Valerie and her tabloid colleagues, by investigating their private lives – and exposing their secrets for all to see.

Exposé is a sensational thriller dripping with black humour. If you like characters you love to hate, sizzling satire, and hilarious surprises, then you’ll adore Paul Ilett’s addictive, page-turning satirical thriller.

Click here.


Someone is killing reporters and journalist Valerie Pierce fears she is next. When no one will believe her, not even the police, Valerie sets out to catch the killer herself. But her plan involves teaming up with her arch nemesis – TV actor Adam Jaymes. 

Valerie Pierce is reinventing herself. After more than thirty years as an outspoken columnist for a scandalous right-wing tabloid, the Daily Ear, she wants to renew her personal brand and be seen as a more moderate and thoughtful commentator. She knows she hurt many people over the course of her career, and likely destroyed many lives. But her own private life suffered too, and she is attempting to rebuild her relationships with her estranged daughter and ex-husband.

Only people are dying. People Valerie used to work with. Every three days, at 9.00pm, someone connected with the Daily Ear is found dead. Valerie can see the pattern, and senses a serial killer is at work. But when no one will believe her, not even the police, she turns to the one person who has the knowledge and resources to help. However, it is someone with a lifetime of grudges against Valerie: gay television actor Adam Jaymes.

Click here.

Plan to Stop Abuse of LGBT+ Elders

In the United States, Equality Caucus members Josh Gottheimer and Angie Craig have introduced legislation to create a new task force to combat abuse of LGBT+ elders

The bill has been dubbed the “Elder Pride Protection Act”.

“We know that elderly members of the LGBTQ+ community face abuse across our nation, but their voices aren’t being heard,” Josh Gottheimer said. “The reality is that organisations and government agencies aren’t tracking these heartbreaking attacks.”

The bill would require the attorney general to establish a task force to develop a national approach to combat increased incidents of abuse against LGBT+ elders and share best practices for law enforcement.

Gottheimer said. “No one should ever be mistreated on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity, especially our vulnerable elderly populations.”

Data reveals many LGTB+ elders have reported challenges like a diminishing support system and loneliness. Abuse, however, often goes unreported.

An estimated 68% of elders in the community have experienced verbal harassment and 43 percent have been threatened with violence, according to a study from The National Centre on Elder Abuse.

Another survey revealed 65% of LGBT+ elders aged 60 or older reported dealing with victimisation due to their sexual orientation. Also, 29% revealed they were physically attacked.

At the Rainbow’s End

At the Rainbow’s End is a play based entirely on interviews with older LGBT+ people about their experiences of homophobia and transphobia either in care homes, a retirement community and when receiving ‘care’ in their own home.

Clare Summerskill, who wrote the play, believes that the issue of how older LGBT+ people are treated in care situations is of critical importance since not only are there now hundreds of documented cases of abuse (as seen in the Compassion in Care report of 2023) but, at the point of needing care, many of us who may have been out all of our adult life might be forced to go back ‘into the closet’ and hide our authentic natures for fear of receiving discriminatory treatment or even abuse.

Clare aims to raise awareness of this matter in the form of a play which will be followed by a Q&A session between informed panellists, the cast and audience members.

The central London shows at The Courtyard Theatre started on Friday 14 June with another show on Sunday 30 June. Tickers are £10 / £5 (concessions).

Salford Pink Picnic

The Pink Picnic, Peel Park, Saturday 22 June – 1.00pm – 8.00pm

Salford Pride are ecstatic to announce Heather Small – The Voice of M People will be headlining The Pink Picnic 2024.

Get ready to be made to feel proud, spend one night in heaven or to search for the hero inside yourself.

Make sure to check the new T&C’s for changes to the restrictions for 2024! Please be advised bag searches will be in place. Use a clear bag for quicker entry.

Please consider donating £3 or £5 for your ticket, all money goes to putting on a fab day for you.

Tickets are available here.

More information on the website

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